Sustainable Origami Packaging
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Brief Introduction to Sustrigami

The Problem

Where, Why, and How Will Sustrigami Be Used

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances or PFAs for short, is in a lot of our food packaging products and supplies due to it's nonstick nature. However, it is a forever chemical that can cause issues with organ function and cancers. Not only that, these chemicals can cause neurological issues as well as affect immune system function. While reducing our intake of PFAs substances, we also hope to reduce plastic use by bringing a disruptive product to the commercial marketplace.

This chemical is in 99% of human bodies and with the recent events of climate change, we should do what we can to move towards reusable and sustainable packaging.

The Solution

A Reusable Product Inspired by Origami Design in Autodesk Fusion 360

Sustrigami Autodesk Model


Product Benefits


The material uses food grade silicone so one is able to store food inside of it with it's self-enclosing mechanism. We chose silicone as it is derived from sand and does not break down into microplastics and it is more durable.


Current food packaging features disposable plastics that can harm our health. The current commercial competition does not consider using foldable and reusable packging for their products due to cost. We aim to resolve this.


The product is simple to make as it is a 2d object that can be molded to a 3d structure. We also just need one compound, which is food grade silicone to make it to a reality.

Why Sustrigami?

Marketplace Analysis

From our market analysis, there is no product that incorporates origami in a sustainable and reusable manner. The current market mainly has paper-based origami products.

Why Autodesk Tech Center?


To create a base mold for our product, we need to leverage the 3D printers. The Autodesk Tech Center in San Francisco and Boston have a FormLabs Vat Polymerization 3D printer which can create a mold that is very fine and durable compared to filament based printers.


With the Autodesk Mentors in the space, one can get leading advice and mentorship in the product development and design phase to understand obstacles that can arise.


Obtaining hands-on training and learning experience is especially important with navigating heavy machinery. One can learn how to safely use machinery to develop their product.


Making the Product a Reality

Bill of Materials

Overall Costs to Make Sustrigami a Reality

ID no. Item Name Item Cost Link